Friday, May 3, 2013

Week 8 - Group and Individual Milestones

Group Performance
When beginning this task we outlined the main goals we wanted to accomplish as a group in the completion of this project. These goals consisted of;
  1. Developing a hybrid motorcycle by embedding a 1972 Honda CB750 motorbike engine within a Norton Featherbed Slimline frame.
  2. Establishing a new industry standard for file sharing and access to an extensive resource of accurate 3d motorcycle models, a documented account of our custom build which includes videos, photos and interactive animations, as well as a link to the wider motorcyle community, using the Honda CB750 and Norton Featherbed Frame as an example.  
As no members of our group had ever been involved in a project like this, nor had anyone known a lot of information about motorcycles, we decided to formulate tasks on a weekly basis depending on what we felt needed to be done to progress to the next stage of development. 

Below I have created a gantt chart to show our development of weekly tasks and what we aim to complete in the weeks to come.


The use of a clear communication strategy and agile developmental approach has been critical to the success of our group work this semester. Although a lot of the time the weekly tasks that we have set ourselves have taken longer than expected, the overall progress of the group has continued at a desired rate. The first few weeks of semester involved a large amount of learning as none of our group had any motorcycle experience, modelled 3d objects in Solidworks or developed a wikispace before. Now that we are all well into the swing of things we are at a point were we need to really push on our progress and aim high in terms of what we want to present for the final presentation.

Over the next few weeks we are going to have to develop a prototype for some functional new brackets that will be welded to the Norton frame holding the Honda engine inside. This is a big challenge and something we are going to need to spend time getting right. Our group dynamic seems to be working effectively so as long as we keep our mind on the tasks at hand we should be able to achieve our goals of designing, prototyping and getting quotes for a brakcet that can be completely functional in holding the engine within the frame.

Individual Performance

Each week every group member has been given tasks to complete to help in the progression of our overall project. The tasks that I have been assigned to include;
In completing these tasks I feel that I have helped our group in achieving the progress that we set ourselves consequently arriving at the strong position that we are in today to finish our project aims within the expected timeframe.  

Overall, I am most proud of my progress in 3D modelling. As Solidworks was a new modelling program for me at the beginning of the semester, I am proud of my progress and I feel that I am at a high standard of modelling capability.

Although at times throughout the semester I have been unable to complete the weekly tasks within the time frame originally set, I feel that these things were expected as we were dealing with unfamiliar challenges. Going forward I believe I can be very beneficial to the group in designing the new motorbike brackets as well as getting them manufactured as I have done similar tasks when undergoing Industrial design tasks in a previous degree.

Check out our wiki progress at:

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